Start Traveling Better

I am so excited that you have decided to come along and experience this journey together with me as I navigate the world of credit card rewards and perks. I will be applying for various credit cards all offering their own unique benefits. As I accumulate these points and miles I will then guide you through redeeming these points and miles along with transferring them to airlines. 

Although there are a lot of things you can use your points and miles on, you are joining me because you are interested in how to get the maximum value or Cost Per Point (CPP) out of your accumulated points and miles. Imagine flying business class that would have cost $4,000 yet you only had to redeem 80,000 points? 80,000 points sounds like a lot but a lot credit cards offer that amount or more just in the sign up bonus! Isn’t that exciting! This is what we are going to cover.

There’s not time to waste. Lets get into to it! 

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